03 July, 2021

Patriarchs and Prophets: Aaron

 👫🏽💝Hello, good morning.

Patriarchs and Prophets

July 3, 2021, Today's devotional


Many times in our lives we will be called to support someone else.

Aaron was Moses' brother. Scripture tells us that he was a good speaker. Exodus 4:14
Because of this skill, God used him to speak on Moses' behalf. Aaron, knew that because he was a gifted speaker that did not usurp Moses' authority to lead the children of Israel. He was to play his position.

When we are chosen to do a task for someone else learn to stay in our supportive lane. It's not that you are not important, it's just that that wasn't what you were chosen to do. Do the task you were asked to do with excellence, joy, and confidence. Don't be envious or prideful.

Even though Aaron was not the leader, his role was extremely important nonetheless. You don't have to dim your light so others can shine. Just be effective and excellent in the position you have been called to do.

📚Major Lesson alert: To be a great leader you must be a great follower.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽Exodus 4:15-16 ERV
I will tell you what to say. Then you will tell Aaron, and I will help him say it well. I will tell both of you what to do. [16] So Aaron will speak for you. Like God, you will speak to him, and he will tell the people what you say.

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries
Written by Fawn N. Rhodes

02 July, 2021

Patriarchs and Prophets: Abraham

 👫🏽💕Hello, good morning.

Inspired by Kevin Bond

Patriarchs and Prophets

July 2, 2021, Today's devotional


When I was a little girl we used to sing the song, "Father Abraham". We'd march around swinging our arms singing, "Father Abraham had many sons. Many sons had Father Abraham. I am one of them and so are you, so let's all praise the Lord." 😊

Abram was the Great-grandson of Shem. Shem, was one of Adam & Eve's sons. That means Abram was the Great-great grandson of Adam and Eve. That is unfathomable to me, to be that close in lineage to Adam & Eve.

I clearly remember my Great-grandfather Lacy Tate. Some of you might even have memories or still have your Great-great grandparents still with us. Appreciate them if you do.

In Genesis 12 we see where God called Abram and told him he would make a great nation from him. His name would be great and blessed. God had a deep personal relationship with Abram, so much so that he literally changed his name from Abram to Abraham in Genesis 17.

Abraham's relationship was so close with Jehovah that James 2:23 tells us that God literally called Abraham, Friend!

Be the type of person that God can call a friend and you can reciprocate.

Love your friends with the Love of Jehovah God.

📚Major Lesson alert: Don't be solely reliant upon Jehovah God because of what he can do. Cultivate your relationship with him because you truly love him. Because of who he is not what he is.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽James 2:23 ERV
This shows the full meaning of the Scriptures that say, "Abraham believed God, and because of this faith he was accepted as one who is right with God." Abraham was called "God's friend."

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries
Written by Fawn N. Rhodes

01 July, 2021

Patriarchs and Prophets: Cain and Abel

👫🏽❤️Hello, good morning.

Patriarchs and Prophets

July 1, 2021, Today's devotional

For the next 30 days, we will be studying various people in the Bible and what lessons their decisions teach us.

Cain and Abel

Genesis 4 recounts the story of Cain and Abel. Cain was Adam and Eve's, firstborn son. Abel was their second son.  Both sons were raised knowing who Jehovah God is. They watched their father, Adam toil the hard ground that God had cursed because of Adam and Eve's disobedience. Genesis 3:17

They knew what was required of a proper sacrifice to God. So when it was time for both sons to give their first sacrifice, God rejected Cain's and received Abel's. For some, this has puzzled them why because after all Cain was giving from what he had. Genesis 4:3

The problem was he didn't give what was required. 

Because God previously had cursed the ground and Cain was raised KNOWING what type of offering to give by watching his father, he chose to give what he wanted. Meaning to align himself with his own will. This equates to listening to Satan, the very thing his mother did when she chose to listen to Satan over what God told her to do.

📚Major Lesson alert: Learn to do what is asked/required of you, not what you want to do. When you lean to your own understanding and go with your own will, it will cause you much more strife than had you just gone with God.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽Luke 22:42 ERV
"Father, if you are willing, please don't make me drink from this cup. But do what you want, not what I want."

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries
Written by Fawn N. Rhodes

30 June, 2021

It is written

 ⏳⏰Hello, good morning.

June 30, 2021, Today's devotional

For the last 30 days, the Lord inspired me to take you on a journey of understanding the word, waiting. The various ways waiting applies and looks like in our everyday and spiritual lives.
I hope these devotionals encourage you in your everyday life, inspire you to believe in yourself, and support you in your relationship with Jehovah God.

I live my life out loud and transparently which is reflected genuinely and lovingly in my writing. This is painfully hard for an introvert, I literally have to push myself to be seen and be heard, believe it or not. You see, I am on the same journey as you. Abba is speaking to me just as he is speaking through me for you.

It gets hard some days because I honestly don't know the difference these words make in others' lives, yet I write the devotionals not seeking validation. I write them because God specifically told me to.

This is one facet of my ministry.

Some days they are later or earlier than others and I promise to get better about that. For now, as we have reached the sixth month of this year, we are going to keep pushing and applying pressure.
Thank you for allowing me to hit your inbox every day for some of you for almost 3 years. I appreciate you.

See you next month with a new topic wherever God is taking us.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽Esther 8:8 ERV
Now write another command by the authority of the king. Write it to help the Jews in a way that seems best to you. Then seal the order with the king's special ring. No official letter written by the authority of the king and sealed with the king's ring can be canceled."

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries
Written by Fawn N. Rhodes

29 June, 2021


 ⏳🌳Hello, good morning.

Dedicated to my wonderful cousin Robert Tate

June 29, 2021, Today's devotional

I love trees! Trees are resilient.

I love to watch them away in the wind. I love to watch birds and animals climb them. I love to watch how they are totally unbothered by most weather conditions. It takes a mighty strong force to take a whole tree down. You might get a limb or two but the whole tree, yes very rarely do you see them fall down.

Trees are rooted. Deeply rooted into this earth. Their sustenance, their nutrition, their stateliness all come from being securely anchored in this terra firma!

⏳Waiting = Resilient

When you are rooted in Jehovah God you are just like the trees. You are resilient.

Plant yourself firmly in your faith in who you are and who you belong to while you are waiting out the storms of life. For on those clear, sunny days, you'll be so beautiful and stately that no we can deny your majesty.

You may bend but you won't break.

🎭Major character alert: Kings and Queen's legacies are rooted in their resilience.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽Joshua 1:9 ERV
Remember, I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't be afraid, because the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries

28 June, 2021


 ⏳🏃🏽‍♀️Hello, good morning.

June 28, 2021, Today's devotional

Greatness does not occur overnight. It's a process. A long, hard, arduous process. At times a painful process. At times an overwhelming process. It can have you feeling stagnate and unproductive.
Yet! We press forward, shift our perspective, pick ourselves up, lean on Jesus and keep going.

⏳Waiting = Greatness

Today, the task you are working on may seem frustrating and like you are spinning your wheels. It may be something you have had to revisit several times and you just feel it's not moving.

Stick with it. You may have to tackle it in a different way. You may have to ask for help. You may have to gain more knowledge or resources. However, all in all, though the wait, greatness evolves.
Greatness is right at your fingertips.

🎭Major character alert: Kings and Queens realize that greatness is a process.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽1 Kings 8:41 ERV
"People from other places will hear about your greatness and your power. They will come from far away to pray at this Temple.

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries

27 June, 2021

New Beginnings

 ⏳👌🏽Hello, good morning.

June 27, 2021, Today's devotional

Today is a new day and we get a chance to start all over. What happened yesterday - happened yesterday. It's the now, the present, the newness that matters.

⏳Waiting = New Beginnings

Give today a chance. Let the newness of today encourage you, lift you, focus you, direct you, strengthen you.

Bring you joy!

While you are waiting, enjoy the new beginning. Enjoy the peace of the newness. Stay in today - don't look at tomorrow. It's going to be alright.

It is All Right!

🎭Major character alert: Kings and Queens are grateful for today and new opportunities within it.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽Psalm 118:24 ERV
This is the day the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be happy today!

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries

25 June, 2021


 ⏳💯Hello, good morning.

June 25, 2021, Today's devotional

Scripture tells us that God has promised he would return to take us to heaven for our eternal reward.
God never lies, all his promises are yes and amen!

⏳Waiting = Promises

While we are waiting on Jesus Christ's return put your all on the altar. We get to live a life of peace if we truly want to. Waiting on God's promises should be a joy because we know he is guaranteed to fulfill them.

🎭Major character alert: Kings and Queens keep their promises.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽2 Corinthians 1:20-22 ERV
The yes to all of God's promises is in Christ. And that is why we say "Amen" through Christ to the glory of God. [21] And God is the one who makes you and us strong in Christ. God is also the one who chose us for his work. [22] He put his mark on us to show that we are his. Yes, he put his Spirit in our hearts as the first payment that guarantees all that he will give us.

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries

24 June, 2021


 ⏳🌅Hello, good morning.

June 24, 2021, Today's devotional

The Serenity Prayer is one of my favorite prayers.

It says, "God grant me the ability to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

That's a whole word right there.

⏳Waiting = Acceptance

Learning to accept the things you cannot change comes in waiting. And it can bring peace because you learn to let go. To release control to God and y'all know we humans are control freaks🤣.
Assess the situations around you ask God for wisdom to see what you cannot control and the power to accept it. Your serenity depends upon it.

🎭Major character alert: Kings and Queens have learned acceptance is one of the keys to a strong community.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽Job 22:21-22 ERV
"Now, Job, give yourself to God and make peace with him. Do this, and you will get many good things. [22] Accept his teaching. Pay attention to what he says.

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries

23 June, 2021


 ⏳🌻Hello, good morning.

June 23, 2021, Today's devotional

I have found in my life that sometimes, I did not get the outcome I wanted because I wasn't consistent. Whether it was saving money, studying for a test, working out. Consistency is key.

⏳Waiting = consistent

Commitment as we spoke about before and consistency are conjoined twins. They can not be separated. Doing a task the same way every time yields specific results. There are many different ways to do a task but pick one and be consistent. Do it the same way every single time. Consistency creates a routine. Routines are created while we patiently wait to see the outcome.

Be consistent in all you do. Consistency creates dependency. God is dependable you don't have to question is he coming because he's already here.

🎭Major character alert: Kings and Queens are consistent and dependable.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽1 Thessalonians 5:11 ERV
So encourage each other and help each other grow stronger in faith, just as you are already doing.

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries

22 June, 2021


 ⏳🙌🏽Hello, good morning.

June 22, 2021, Today's devotional

We were created to worship Jehovah God.

Every fiber of our being is an act of honor. God put so much into the details of humanity that scientists are still in awe of the human body and the natural world.

All of it is a symbol to remind us to worship Creator God.

⏳Waiting = worship

Waiting gives us an opportunity to worship and adore God. To praise him for who he is not just what he has done. To acknowledge his presence and sovereignty.

Worship God fully from your heart. Sit or stand and just let him know how grateful you are for his plan for your life.

🎭Major character alert: Kings and Queens understand worship and praise as a form of honor that is practiced daily.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽Psalm 29:2,11 ERV
Praise the LORD and honor his name! Worship the LORD in all his holy beauty. [11] May the LORD make his people strong. May the LORD bless his people with peace.

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries

21 June, 2021


 ⏳🛐Hello, good morning.

June 21, 2021, Today's devotional

A prayer is a form of communication with Jehovah God.

In your prayers be authentic. You don't have to be ashamed, hide or feel judged. There's freedom in your prayers.

⏳Waiting = Prayer

Waiting slows you down so you can target your prayers. Personalize your prayers for example Deuteronomy 28:3 says, "Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the field." I change that to say, Dynzcil is blessed in the city, and he is blessed in the field" or "I am blessed in the city and I am blessed in the field."

Claim God's word over your life, allow him to show you his power manifesting in your life through your commitment to prayer.

🎭Major character alert: Kings and Queens pray diligently for themselves and others.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽Psalm 5:2-3 KJVS
Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray. [3] My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will lookup.

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries

20 June, 2021

The epitome of Love

 🦸🏽‍♂️Hello, good morning.

June 20, 2021, Today's devotional

Happy Father's Day

Father's, they are the real Superman's!

My grandfather was as close to being a superhero as it gets. Just his whole character, personality, and temperament. He was a real-life example of Godliness/manliness. The older we have become my brother Keith, cousin Robert, and Uncle Benny all have picked up this mantle.

👨🏽 Fatherhood = The epitome of Love

There's nothing like being loved by a great man. However, there is nothing like being loved by the consummate Father, Abba, Jehovah-God! His love is so deep, so wide, so encompassing, so inclusive, so unselfish, so enduring, so enveloping, so undeniable!!

On today, make sure you acknowledge the Father's in your life and acknowledge Big Daddy! Lord of all, Creator-God. He deserves all the praise.

Oh, and praise the daddies in your life. Salute them and their contribution. Rain love on them today!

🎭Major character alert: Queens realize there are times we humbly bow out of love and respect to our Kings!

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽1 Corinthians 8:6 KJVS
But to us, there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries
Written by Fawn N. Rhodes

19 June, 2021


 ⏳🌈Hello, good morning.

Happy Sabbath!

June 19, 2021, Today's devotional

One of my favorite movies is A Hole In The Head (1959). It stars Frank Sinatra as a widower, raising his son in a failing hotel. There's a scene where he and his son are singing High Hopes.

⏳Waiting = Hope

In life, we must hold on to hope. Waiting teaches you to look for a better moment. To search for the rainbow. To see the joy in what is happening. Hope strengthens our optimism and shifts our focus to a positive outlook.

Abba says, build your hope in me! You will always win when we wait for him.

I want you to smile. Smile as you are reading this devotional.
Smile the biggest smile your face will allow. Smile so big you look silly and make yourself laugh.

There's that hope you have been waiting for!

There's that joy in your soul.

I know you feel it. Now keep it for the rest of the day.

🎭Major character alert: Kings and Queens always have hope for the best in all situations!

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽Romans 12:12 KJVS
Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries
Written by Fawn N. Rhodes

18 June, 2021


 ⏳🚣🏽‍♀️Hello, good morning.

June 18, 2021, Today's devotional

At times, waiting requires us to be quiet.

To sit still. There's a saying that goes, still, waters run deep. What it is saying is that on the outside it appears that there is no movement but on the inside, below the surface, change is happening. Quiet passion. So being still means you don't move on to the next step until you hear from Jehovah.

⏳Waiting = Quiet

Being quiet allows you to listen with intention. To shut down any and everything that could be a distraction. To wait and watch for God's hand in your life.

While you are sitting in Jehovah's heavenly reception room, be quiet while you are waiting for Holy Spirit to whisper in your ear.

🎭Major character alert: Kings and Queens realize that's it's in their quiet time they are most productive.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽Psalm 46:10-11 KJVS
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. [11] The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries
Written by Fawn N. Rhodes

17 June, 2021



⏳💞Hello, good morning.

June 17, 2021, Today's devotional

When I was a little girl, my grandfather used to pick me up from school and take me to all sorts of activities. Most times these things were time-consuming, from sitting and waiting for me to get out of school, to waiting for me to get out of etiquette class, waiting on me to get out of math tutoring, waiting on me to finish trying on clothes...you name it and bless Royce Rhodes, Sr's heart because his life was constantly waiting on me.

I remember asking him one day, Grandaddy why do you sit and wait in me everywhere and he said, "Because I love you".

Waiting = Love
You see when we love someone, we exhibit selflessness. We learn to put their needs first. To do for them in ways they cannot do for themselves.

Abba loves us so much that he waits on us to see how much he loves us by the simple acts of selflessness he shows us, not just day by day but second by second. He has the power to change any and everything, yet he lovingly waits on us.

Wait on someone today it is truly an act of love.

🎭Major character alert: Kings and Queens teach the attribute of love through their behavior of waiting.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽Colossians 1:5 ERV
Your faith and love continue because you know what is waiting for you in heaven-the hope you have had since you first heard the true message, the Good News.

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries
Written by Fawn N. Rhodes

16 June, 2021


 ⏳💫Hello, good morning.

June 16, 2021, Today's devotional.

Commitment. For some that is a dirty word.

Commitment simply means you will see something through to the end. How many times have we given up on a relationship? How many times have you quit a job? How many times have you stopped going to the gym?

Commitment means trusting the process.

⏳Waiting = Committed

When we are waiting on the Lord, we are committing to trust the process of what he is taking us through.

I am not a fan of exercising. Although, I understand exercise helps us have endurance and be healthier. I can't tell you the number of times I have quit a trainer or a program because I want to commit to seeing the results.

We can.be that same way about Jehovah God. Not committed to his instructions. Not committed to his plans. We don't want to wait to see the blessings from being committed.

On today, commit your heart to the plans of Abba. Say it and mean it. Wait and stay the course.

🎭Major character alert: Protecting the King & Queen requires the ability to wait to see what is on the way.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽Proverbs 16:3 KJVS
Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries
Written by Fawn N. Rhodes

15 June, 2021


 ⏳👮🏽‍♀️Hello, good morning.

June 15, 2021, Today's devotional.

We have already discussed how waiting is actually preparation and we have also acknowledged that in the preparation process, waiting is hard.

But, waiting is also protection!! I had an incident recently that really disappointed me - deeply disappointed me. However, after getting out my feelings, I realized that it was a blessing to have the incident because the short-term pain gave me long-term protection.

Waiting = Protection

Abba will always protect us from harm even when we do not allow him to. We do not get to choose what God does for us we DO get to choose to acknowledge it.

When Nebuchadnezzar put Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, into the furnace, Jesus showed up. Not because he was asked to, but because Jehovah God said, I will never leave or forsake you. David said in Psalm 139, if I make my bed in hell you are with me.

God WILL protect those he calls his own! So while waiting truly is a mentally challenging ordeal at times it is just one way that Abba protects us.

Think about how God has protected you in your waiting just yesterday.

🎭Major character alert: Protecting the King & Queen requires the ability to wait to see what is on the way.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽Daniel 3:23-26 ERV
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego fell into the fire. They were tied up very tightly. [24] Then King Nebuchadnezzar jumped to his feet. He was very surprised, and he asked his advisors, "We tied only three men, and we threw only three men into the fire. Is that right?" His advisors said, "Yes, King." [25] The king said, "Look! I see four men walking around in the fire. They are not tied up and they are not burned. The fourth man looks like an angel." [26] Then Nebuchadnezzar went to the opening of the hot furnace. He shouted, "Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, come out! Servants of the Highest God, come here!" So, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came out of the fire.

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries

Written by Fawn N. Rhodes

14 June, 2021


 ⏳❤️Hello, good morning.

June 14, 2021, Today's devotional.

All people are processing life in different ways. Yet in understanding that you process life differently from me that does not mean we cannot relate to each other's experience.

Waiting = Empathy

True connection & relationship is empathetic.

Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another's position. While you wait it allows you the opportunity to practice empathy towards your fellow man. People want to feel seen & heard. To have their experiences validated! To be respected no matter their station in life.

Practice empathy in your words that say.
In your behavior that you exhibit.
In the work that you do.

On today show empathy to someone who you know has been struggling and needs a servant's heart from you.

🎭Major character alert: An impactful King & Queen is one who is relatable.

💓I love you; Abba loves you; we love you!

🙏🏽Ephesians 4:30-32 ERV
And don't make the Holy Spirit sad. God gave you his Spirit as proof that you belong to him and that he will keep you safe until the day he makes you free. [31] Never be bitter, angry, or mad. Never shout angrily or say things to hurt others. Never do anything evil. [32] Be kind and loving to each other. Forgive each other the same as God forgave you through Christ.

🎶Your devotional in song 

©2021 A Prosperous Living Ministries

Written by Fawn N. Rhodes


Let’s talk about gratefulness.    Gratefulness is defined as showing appreciation for what has been done or has been received.   Some years ...