20 February, 2012

Happiness in all things...

As I am putting my son on the school bus this morning, I watched the "Industrial Engineers" aka Trash men. They were laughing and had a joy about themselves. They waved and continued in their jobs. I say this to say

First, all you women who look past your every day blue collar man, aught to be ashamed of yourselves because those men were not only handsome but I could tell they had a joy about them that was on the inside. It matters not the title of the job we have but more importantly the happiness we have while doing it. Happiness can not be bought or manufactured, often times many of you walk right pass a man that is an exceptional man because you are so caught up on appearance and what your "girls" or even "you" think.

Second, whatever job/career you have -- do it with joy OR don't do it at all! It makes no sense to get up every Monday morning or whatever day your work week begins and be bitter and say "OH WELL ITS MONDAY" or "I woke up on the wrong side of the bed", "I've got the Monday blues" or any host of these negative statements. Be grateful and thankful you have a job you are going to that is bringing income into your home and if you are not happy with what you are doing -- ONLY YOU have the power to change it. So in the words of my friend Eric Thomas, start saying "Thank God its Monday" because you have a whole week to accomplish some goals, trail blaze some paths, and be a blessing to someone. Opposed to reflecting at the END of the week.

For as we have recently seen -- tomorrow or the end of the week is NOT promised so you better be glad that you have today --


Let’s talk about gratefulness.    Gratefulness is defined as showing appreciation for what has been done or has been received.   Some years ...