18 July, 2020

🤱🏾Birth Your Purpose

🤱🏾Birth Your Purpose 🚼As parents/guardians we can become very deeply involved in the rearing of our children. So much so, if you have not discovered your purpose meaning God's will for your life, you can become overwhelmed with seeking your purpose because of societal narratives. 🙌🏽I want to encourage parents in acknowledging, the mere fact that you are rearing a brilliant soul which will subsequently contribute to the world at large. ➡️IS YOUR PRESENT PURPOSE. That is not to say, that your purpose is fixed. For some, your purpose may be fluid, ever evolving. 🎓While you are rearing your children - master the moment! Master the task that God has presented you with. Become passionate about raising Godly children that will contribute to this world we live in. Just because you birthed/fathered a child does not mean your life plan is only being a mother/father. 🌬️The Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you in all things and show you when it is time to add a new mission in your life. Remember it's Chess NOT checkers. God is INTENTIONAL about what he wants you to do and how he wants it done. In due time, you will begin to birth/father new goals, new projects, new purpose. 🔦Society, guides you into believing your purpose is supposed to be this larger than life, monumental effect on the world. We end up searching all around, as if we are in a lit room with a flashlight. More often not the goal, purpose, project is something right in front of you which you haven't recognized. 💆🏾Mom/Dad/Guardian breathe and relax! Give yourself some leeway and maximize the mission you have been set on. In due time, you will see the manifestation of those efforts - reward you in such a way that you will be speechless. John 16: 12-14 ESV 12 “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. 14 He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.

14 July, 2020

🏃🏾🏃🏾 Tethered Together

👟Today while eating with my family we witnessed one the most remarkable acts of service, I think I have ever seen. On television they were broadcasting The Special Olympics. They showed the Blind 400m race. The race requires the blind athlete to be tethered to their guide by a string. The purpose of the guide is to help the athlete align up correctly and to be their "governor". 🚍Years ago car manufactures would place a governor on specific types of vehicles like a school or city bus to prevent it from going above a set speed. When I was in high school Odell Sidberry used to drive our bus and I am not saying he did but somebody took the governor off our school bus. Man we would hit those back roads flying down the road, LOL 🤝Anyway, as the athlete is racing, their partner is running no faster than the blind athlete so they can stay in alignment with each other. This visual immediately made me think of the Holy Spirit. 🔥The Holy Spirit (IF YOU LET HIM) will tether his-self to you and run WITH you. He will prevent you from going any faster than the plan God has for your life. He will ASSIST you in staying the course and guiding you through the race of your life to cross the finish line. If you fall in your lane, no worries the Holy Spirit will be there to comfort you, help you get up and start your race again. If you get off course or not aligned in the race correctly - the Holy Spirit will gently chide you to bring you back into alignment. ❤️As we move through our Christian journey, let's make sure that we do not forget to acknowledge the Holy Spirit. Remember, our faith is rooted in the Trinity. A Triune God. God the Father. God the Son. God the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 4: 3-6 NKJV 3 "endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in [c]you all. 🌬️Acknowledge the Holy Spirit daily, stay in communication with him. The more you stay in communication (relationship) with the Holy Spirit - the easier it is to hear his voice . In the same way, that when you are in love or as a child you know your parents voice. Get to know the Spirit of the Lord in such an intimate way - that you beckon to his call immediately. I hope this helps those in their walk to strive to be more Christ like.


Let’s talk about gratefulness.    Gratefulness is defined as showing appreciation for what has been done or has been received.   Some years ...